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Products of the British Empire - Sugar and Rum I

I studied Economic history at universirt many yearsago, and at no time did we read that the Atlantic slave trade financed the European Industrial Revolution. It is only in the past few decades that this has been admitted. I sometimes wonder what the current secrets are. I was born in Birmingham, England, which specialised in making manacles and chains etc for both the Slave Trade and later the transportation of convicts to Australia. Both Australia and Jamaica make rum, Both used slave labour to do this. In Australia this was called "Blackbirding", the stealing of Pacific Islanders to work the cane, falsely called "indentured labour". This is a shrine to Jamaica.
Products of the British Empire - Sugar and Rum I

I studied Economic history at universirt many yearsago, and at no time did we read that the Atlantic slave trade financed the European Industrial Revolution. It is only in the past few decades that this has been admitted. I sometimes wonder what the current secrets are. I was born in Birmingham, England, which specialised in making manacles and chains etc for both the Slave Trade and later the transportation of convicts to Australia. Both Australia and Jamaica make rum, Both used slave labour to do this. In Australia this was called "Blackbirding", the stealing of Pacific Islanders to work the cane, falsely called "indentured labour". This is a shrine to Jamaica.