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Nrat-Tuan, 10th Century Post Imperium: A silver-grey Robe, denoting a powerful official. The Netleader, or Netmaster, as he is sometimes called, is head of one of the many craft guilds on Nrat-Tuan. Fishers Guilds are not only vital economic groups for Nrat-Tuan, but also for the whole Imperium, since the water planet is the major source of foodstuffs for Irusaq, who cannot produce enough crops on what is a relatively barren, planet. The various fishing crafts are most responsible occupations, entailing great care for the environment and the food chains. Fishing is carried out by means of either mirrors or nets, both being about equally popular. Mirror-faceted fabrics have always been used by Nrati-Tuan fishermen to dazzle and bemuse the creatures they are trying to catch, (the mirror may also have some predictive power). Research indicates that this odd technique is surprisingly effective, and the harvests are unfailingly good. Contact with the humans of Irusaq, when the Imperium was first founded, brought the technique of netting to Nrat-Tuan. The Netleader heads the Netters Guild, which does not limit itself to the merely traditional fishing net, but works with a complex and sophisticated membrane technology, which has,in recent years, revolutionised the whole netting industry. The Master controls the experimental membrane laboratories, which deal with the extraction of metals from sea water, as well as with tools for the fishing industry.

Nrat-Tuan, 10th Century Post Imperium: A silver-grey Robe, denoting a powerful official. The Netleader, or Netmaster, as he is sometimes called, is head of one of the many craft guilds on Nrat-Tuan. Fishers Guilds are not only vital economic groups for Nrat-Tuan, but also for the whole Imperium, since the water planet is the major source of foodstuffs for Irusaq, who cannot produce enough crops on what is a relatively barren, planet. The various fishing crafts are most responsible occupations, entailing great care for the environment and the food chains. Fishing is carried out by means of either mirrors or nets, both being about equally popular. Mirror-faceted fabrics have always been used by Nrati-Tuan fishermen to dazzle and bemuse the creatures they are trying to catch, (the mirror may also have some predictive power). Research indicates that this odd technique is surprisingly effective, and the harvests are unfailingly good. Contact with the humans of Irusaq, when the Imperium was first founded, brought the technique of netting to Nrat-Tuan. The Netleader heads the Netters Guild, which does not limit itself to the merely traditional fishing net, but works with a complex and sophisticated membrane technology, which has,in recent years, revolutionised the whole netting industry. The Master controls the experimental membrane laboratories, which deal with the extraction of metals from sea water, as well as with tools for the fishing industry.